
United States - OECD Consumer Policy Toolkit Launch

The Federal Trade Commission recently hosted a roundtable presentation of the Organization of Economic Co-operation and Development's just published Consumer Policy Toolkit at FTC's headquarters. The event featured U.S. Ambassador to the OECD, Karen Kornbluh. The Toolkit provides advice for consumers protection authorities and other regulators to help them determine where markets may be failing consumers, and what steps they can take in response. This guide outlines a comprehensive six-step process for choosing the best consumer protection policies, and describes a range of policy options that government officials can use to address consumer problems. Included in the publication are exemples drawn from the experiences of more than 20 countries.

An executive summary of the Consumer Policy Toolkit and a brochure about it can be found as links to this press release and on the FTC’s website at  The Consumer Policy Toolkit can be found under the “look inside” button at:

Read the press release.