
Poland - 20 years of the Office of Competition and Consumer Protection

Whom to protect – competition or competitors? How to support competition law? How to increase the effectiveness of antitrust policy instruments? - these were the questions that competition experts from all over the world tried to answer on the occasion of the OCCP’s anniversary celebrations. Discussion concerned current problems, experiences and possible solutions. Is Polish Office ready for the challenges standing before it?

Twenty years have passed as if it were one day... – these words of the popular song by Jan Tadeusz Stanisławski perfectly describe the atmosphere of the OCCP’s anniversary. On 27th May, at the Royal Castle, as part of the celebrations of the 20th anniversary of the Office, among numerous guests, we talked about two decades of operation of a modern antitrust legislation. We posed important questions about the future of competition policy, challenges standing before us and the effective ways of facing them. Among our guests and speakers were: Prime Minister Tadeusz Mazowiecki, professor Leszek Balcerowicz, Alexander Italianer – Director-General for Competition at the European Commission and William Kovacic – Commissioner of the United States Federal Trade Commission.

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